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Coming soon: Introducing "Gremlinq.Extensions", a commercial add-on to supercharge your ExRam.Gremlinq experience! With "Gremlinq.Extensions," you gain access to some much-requested advanced features. Unlock support for traversal strategies, transactions, and direct execution of Groovy scripts. Seamlessly authenticate with AWS Neptune using IAM authentication for enhanced security. Stay tuned for upcoming features like result deserialization using System.Text.Json, support for the GraphBinary serialization format and an in-memory graph database provider for use within test environments.

Support for traversal strategies

Gremlinq.Extensions enhances ExRam.Gremlinq with support for traversal strategies.


With this addition, developers gain the ability to manage database transactions directly within their graph database workflows.

Execution of Groovy scripts

Gremlinq.Extensions offers a feature allowing developers to execute Groovy scripts directly within their graph database workflows. This capability enables seamless integration of custom logic and complex operations directly into Gremlin queries. Moreover, developers retain the flexibility to deserialize query results into any desired data structure.

AWS Neptune IAM Authentication

Gremlinq.Extensions adds IAM authentication support for AWS Neptune databases, streamlining security measures nd access management within ExRam.Gremlinq workflows. This feature ensures compliance with AWS security standards, making accessing Neptune resources more secure and efficient for developers.

(Coming soon) In-Memory graph database provider

An upcoming feature in Gremlinq.Extensions is the introduction of an in-memory graph database provider. This feature offers developers a convenient solution for testing and prototyping graph database workflows directly within their development environments. While not intended for production workloads, the in-memory graph database provider enables rapid iteration and experimentation, facilitating efficient development and testing cycles. With this feature, developers can simulate graph database interactions seamlessly, accelerating the development process and ensuring the reliability of their graph database solutions.

(Coming soon) System.Text.Json deserialization

An upcoming feature in Gremlinq.Extensions is the integration of result deserialization using the System.Text.Json library, offering a more efficient alternative to Newtonsoft.Json. This enhancement significantly reduces the memory footprint of applications leveraging Gremlinq, optimizing resource utilization and enhancing overall performance. By leveraging System.Text.Json for result deserialization, developers can expect improved efficiency and responsiveness in their graph database workflows.

(Coming soon) GraphBinary support

An upcoming feature in Gremlinq.Extensions is the integration of support for the GraphBinary serialization and deserialization format. This enhancement enables more efficient data transmission over network connections during query execution. By leveraging GraphBinary, developers can expect reduced data transfer overhead, resulting in improved query performance and network efficiency.

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