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Writing queries


In the following examples, we will utilize the domain model presented by Kelvin Lawrence in their book PRACTICAL GREMLIN: An Apache TinkerPop Tutorial. The book provides insights into a fictional airline network graph, where airports are represented as vertices and flights between airports as edges. You can find the document here. With this domain model as our foundation, we will explore various Gremlinq queries to extract valuable insights from the airline network graph.

We'll assume the existence of two POCOs, Airport and Route, representing airports and routes between them and some instances of these classes:

public class Airport
    public string Code { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

public class Route
    public double Dist { get; set; }

// Define a few airports
var airports = new List<Airport>
    new Airport { Code = "JFK", Name = "John F. Kennedy International Airport" },
    new Airport { Code = "LAX", Name = "Los Angeles International Airport" },
    new Airport { Code = "ORD", Name = "Chicago O'Hare International Airport" },
    new Airport { Code = "DFW", Name = "Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport" },
    new Airport { Code = "MIA", Name = "Miami International Airport" }

// Define connections between airports along with their distances in miles
var connections = new Dictionary<(string, string), double>
    { ("JFK", "LAX"), 2475 },
    { ("JFK", "ORD"), 740 },
    { ("JFK", "DFW"), 1370 },
    { ("LAX", "ORD"), 1745 },
    { ("ORD", "DFW"), 802 },
    { ("ORD", "MIA"), 1197 },
    { ("DFW", "MIA"), 1121 },
    { ("MIA", "JFK"), 1090 }

Populate the graph

In the upcoming code, we'll illustrate the process of populating an airport network graph, connecting various airports with routes between them.

Create the airports
foreach (var airport in airports)
    await g
Add connections between airports
foreach (var ((fromAirport, toAirport), dist) in connections)
    await g
        .Where(a => a.Code == fromAirport)
        .AddE(new Route { Dist = dist })
        .To(__ => __
            .Where(a => a.Code == toAirport))
Alternative way of adding elements

There is an overload of AddE (and AddV) that takes no argument. Instead, properties of the newly added element can be added after the fact:

foreach (var ((fromAirport, toAirport), dist) in connections)
    await g
        .Where(a => a.Code == fromAirport)
        .Property(r => r.Dist, dist)
        .To(__ => __
            .Where(a => a.Code == toAirport))

Simple queries

Retrieve names of airport vertices
var results = await g
    .Values(x => x.Name)
Which airport have their name starting with the letter 'J' ?
var results = await g
    .Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith("J"))
How many airports are in the database
var results = await g

Walk the graph

Find all destination airports from JFK
var results = await g
    .Where(a => a.Code == "JFK")
Find all airports connected to JFK within 1500 miles
var results = await g
    .Where(a => a.Code == "JFK")
    .Where(r => r.Dist <= 1500)
Find all airports that can reach JFK
var results = await g
    .Where(a => a.Code == "JFK")
Find all airports that are reachable from JFK by taking two flights
var results = await g
    .Where(a => a.Code == "JFK")

Using sub-queries

Find all airports that are reachable from JFK by taking one or two flights
var results = await g
    .Where(a => a.Code == "JFK")
        __ => __
        __ => __


var results = await g
    .Where(a => a.Code == "JFK")
        __ => __,
        __ => __
Find all destinations from JFK that have a connection to Heathrow
var results = await g
    .Where(a => a.Code == "JFK")
    .Where(__ => __
        .Where(a => a.Code == "LHR"))


This section marks the first introduction of a special of a sub-domain-specific language (sub-DSL), enabling developers to ensure that only sensible methods are within scope. This sub-DSL streamlines the programming process by providing a focused and tailored set of methods relevant to the specific context by providing a builder instance.

Order all airports lexically by their code
var results = await g
    .Order(orderBuilder => orderBuilder
        .By(x => x.Code))
Order all airports by their longest route
var results = await g
    .Order(orderBuilder => orderBuilder
        .ByDescending(__ => __
            .Order(o => o
                .ByDescending(x => x.Dist))
            .Values(x => x.Dist)))
Order all airports by their longest route, then lexically by their code
var results = await g
    .Order(orderBuilder => orderBuilder
        .ByDescending(__ => __
            .Order(o => o
                .ByDescending(x => x.Dist))
            .Values(x => x.Dist))
        .By(x => x.Code))

Limiting results

Get the five airports with the longest routes
var results = await g
    .Order(orderBuilder => orderBuilder
        .ByDescending(__ => __
            .Order(o => o
                .ByDescending(x => x.Dist))
            .Values(x => x.Dist)))
    .Values(x => x.Name)
Using Range instead
var results = await g
    .Order(orderBuilder => orderBuilder
        .ByDescending(__ => __
            .Order(o => o
                .ByDescending(x => x.Dist))
            .Values(x => x.Dist)))
    .Range(0, 5)
    .Values(x => x.Name)
Skip the first five results
var results = await g
    .Order(orderBuilder => orderBuilder
        .ByDescending(__ => __
            .Order(o => o
                .ByDescending(x => x.Dist))
            .Values(x => x.Dist)))
    .Range(0, 5)
    .Values(x => x.Name)
Take only the latter five
var results = await g
    .Order(orderBuilder => orderBuilder
        .ByDescending(__ => __
            .Order(o => o
                .ByDescending(x => x.Dist))
            .Values(x => x.Dist)))
    .Values(x => x.Name)

Step labels

Avoid returning to the departure airport right away
var results = await g
    .Where(a => a.Code == "JFK")
    .As((__, jfk) => __
        .Where(destination => destination != jfk.Value))


Project to value tuples
var results = await g
    .Project(p => p
        .By(x => x.Code)
        .By(x => x.Name))
Project to value tuples with sub-query
var results = await g
    .Project(p => p
        .By(x => x.Code)
        .By(__ => __
            .Values(x => x.Code)
Project to dynamics
var results = await g
   .Project(p => p
       .By(x => x.Code)
       .By(x => x.Name))
Project to dynamics with explicit names
var results = await g
   .Project(p => p
       .By(x => x.Code)
       .By(x => x.Name))
Project to custom data structure instances
var results = await g
    .Project(p => p
            x => x.DepartureCode,
            x => x.Code)
            x => x.DestinationCodes,
            __ => __
                .Values(x => x.Code)


var results = await g
    .Map(__ => __
        .Values(x => x.Code)
var results = await g
    .Where(x => x.Code == "JFK")
    .Values(x => x.Dist)
var results = await g
    .Where(x => x.Code == "JFK")
    .Map(__ => __
        .Values(x => x.Dist)


Building upon the previously introduced concept of sub-DSL, building groups is another case where such a sub-DSL is employed:

Group airports by number of routes
var results = await g
    .Group(g => g
        .ByKey(__ => __
Project to specific group values

The previous example illustrated a grouping by numbers without explicitly specifying a value, resulting in the projection of values to the airports themselves. However, it's worth noting that we can also project values specifically to the airport codes:

var results = await g
    .Group(g => g
        .ByKey(__ => __
        .ByValue(__ => __
            .Values(x => x.Code)))


Again, there is a specific DSL for loops that, through a builder, lets the user chain reasonable combinations of the Emit, Repeat, Until and Times operators:

Where can we go with three flights?
var results = await g
    .Map(__ => __
        .Loop(l => l
            .Repeat(__ => __
        .Values(x => x.Code)
Unroll all the paths from JFK that don't become cyclic
var results = await g
    .Where(x => x.Code == "JFK")
    .Loop(l => l
        .Repeat(__ => __
        .Until(__ => __
    .Values(x => x.Code)


A tree in the TinkerPop sense is essentially just a wrapper for a Dictionary<TRoot, TTree> where TRoot can be anything (scalars, entities) and TTree is, again, a Tree. So a tree in this sense can be seen as having many root nodes where each of the root nodes maps to a subtree.

Gremlinq defines the non-generic ITree-marker interface and two derived classes:

  • Tree<TNode> is a tree where each node in the tree is of type TNode
  • Tree<TRoot, TTree> is a tree where the roots are of type TRoot and the subtrees are of type TTree.

There are currently 3 overloads of the Tree-operator in Gremlinq:

  • Tree() will map to a Tree<object>. This is the quickest way to collect the traversers and their paths into a tree structure. Note that although the signature only defines the nodes to be of type object, upon deserialization, Gremlinq will usually be able to recognize elements (vertices and edges) and create instances accordingly.

    var tree = await g
        .Where(a => a.Code == "JFK")
    // Although there is no static type information,
    // the nodes are still deserialized to instances
    // of the correct type
    Debug.Assert(tree.Keys.First() is Airport);
  • Tree<TNode>() will deserialize to a tree where all the nodes are known to be of type TNode.

    var tree = await g
        .Where(a => a.Code == "JFK")
  • Precise type information of the tree nodes might be desired for later processing. Unfortunately, Gremlinq can't record all the types encountered on a path in its type system, so this information is not statically available. It can, however, be provided throgh call a Tree-overload that provides a special builder-DSL:

    var tree = await g
        .Tree(_ => _

    It's also possible to map to members which will change the node types in the resulting tree

    var tree = await g
        .Tree(_ => _
            .Of<Airport>().By(x => x.Code)
            .Of<Airport>().By(x => x.Name))
    var destinationNamesOfJFK = tree["JFK"].Keys.ToArray();